Position: Executive committee member
Organisation: Labour Research Service (LRS)
Country: South Africa
Executive Committee elected at the 24th IFWEA General Conference

Executive Director | Labour Research Service
Director | Active Shareholder
Commissioner | National Minimum Wage Commission
Labour Representative: Technical Sectoral Liaison Committee (Teselico), NEDLAC
Director | International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations (IFWEA)
Chair | Community House
My interests centre on the politics of working-class representation and organisation through the trade union movement. My thematic interests include, but are not limited to, the future of work, technology and trade unions and trade & investment.
I see a global community of organisations for worker education as an important platform for reflection, knowledge sharing and action for worker education associations. I believe that my orientation and that of my organisation towards research and competency building for working class formations allows me to make a contribution to IFWEA’s strategy and action and also to carry some of IFWEA’s own strategic thinking and programme of action in our work on the African continent. I also have decent interpersonal skills.