Position: President
Organisation: Rutgers University School of Management and Labour Relations (RUTGERS SMLR)
Country: USA
Executive Committee elected at the 24th IFWEA General Conference
Susan J. Schurman is Distinguished Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and a former Dean of the School. She also served as Dean of the Rutgers New Brunswick University College Community from 2008-2016. From 1997-2007 she served as the founding president of the National Labor College – one of the first non-profit higher education institutions in the US specifically designed to create a clear degree pathway between non-collegiate postsecondary education and training such as apprenticeship. She received B.A. and M.A. degrees from Michigan State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, where she served as Director of the Labor Studies Center and Research Investigator in the School of Public Health. She is a past president of the United Association for Labor Education, a former board member of the Labor and Employment Research Association and has served as president of the International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations since 2007. She has served on numerous non-profit boards and government commissions. Her research and teaching focus on labor union effectiveness and leadership education as well as constructive labor-management relations. She is also an expert on workplace safety and health – especially on the effects of occupational stress on physical and mental health. She has long been an advocate for lifelong learning for adults.
I believe passionately in the IFWEA mission and believe I can continue to contribute to furthering our goals in another term as president.