IFWEA 24th General Conference:
Education for Empowerment.

Mon 4th Dec – Friday 8th Dec 2023
Cresta Grande Hotel, Cnr Strand and Loop Streets,
Cape Town City Centre, South Africa.

In the workshops at the 24th IFWEA General Conference, delegates discussed their role as worker education associations in providing education which empowers workers and their organisations to advance democratic rights and freedoms, towards greater social justice and equality.

In the formal sessions reports on our work from the previous four years were adopted, and we discussed our objectives which enable IFWEA’s organisational growth, the development of strategic partnerships and resources and the continued design of educational tools, methods and resources to advance our global knowledge community. We also elected the Executive Committee which will oversee the implementation of our four year plan.

General Conference delegates arrive
during Sunday 3rd December 2023

DAY 1 - Monday 4 December 2023

08h30 – 09h45Conference and workshop registration
09h45 – 10h00Opening of General Conference: Sue Schurman, IFWEA President
10h00 – 10h30Cultural event: Heal the Hood.
10h30 – 11h00Formal Conference Proceedings
▪ Election of Credentials and Election Committee
▪ Election of Resolutions Committee
▪ Adoption of General Conference Agenda and conference standing orders.
11h00 – 12h30PANEL DISCUSSION – Moderator Sahra Ryklief
Popular Education for building power

Professor Susan J. Schurman, Rutgers University and IFWEA President: On understanding power and the role of education.

Mikael Leyi, Secretary General SOLIDAR & Isabelle Palanchon, Chair of SOLIDAR Foundation:
Building progressive citizen power in Europe from below.

Sibonokuhle Buhlungu, Executive Director, Whispers Zimbabwe:
Educating the Gen Z Tiktok Generation: Empowering the GirlChild.

Nthatisi Mota, University of Stellenbosch, Information curator:
Educating the Gen Z Tiktok generation: The YohVote App.

Adjournment of General Conference
Conference adjourns to enable all delegates to participate in the workshops. The formal proceedings of the General Conference are resumed the afternoon of Tuesday 5th December 2023.
12h30 – 14h00LUNCH
Display of IFWEA affiliates’ work and publications
14h00 – 16h30WORKSHOP ONE: Case Studies on what “Education for Empowerment” means to us today.
Moderator: Dr Tami Lee, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, USA.

Speakers from four IFWEA affiliates:

Namrata Bali, IASEW:
Community engagement as a first step in empowerment, recruitment and building leadership

Wisborn Malaya, ZCIEA:
Empowering local representatives of informal economy workers

Isabelle Palanchon, CEMEA:
Empowering youth in a volunteering programme

Arnaldo Montero Colque, CEPRODE:
Empowering women through the study circle programme
18h00 – 20h00DINNER AT THE HOTEL

DAY 2 - Tuesday 5 December 2023

09h00-09h30Cultural event/Conference News review
09h30 – 12h30WORKSHOP TWO: The IFWEA education programme – what we are doing and why.
Facilitated by the IFWEA Secretariat team.

Goma Pandey, CLASS Nepal
Jasen Mphepo, Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust
Linnéa Wennberg, ABF
Vanessa Pillay, WIEGO
12h30 – 14h00LUNCH
Displays of IFWEA’s programme work and publications.
14h00 – 16h30Formal Conference proceedings resumes:
• Report of Credentials Committee
• Adoption of Minutes of GC 2019
• GS report 2020 - 2023
• Financial report 2020 - 2023
• Internal auditor’s report 2020 - 2023
18h00 – 20h00DINNER AT THE HOTEL

DAY 3 - Wednesday 6 December 2023

09h00 –09h30Cultural event
09h30 – 12h30WORKSHOP THREE: Understanding Your Leadership Journey
Presented and facilitated by the Center for Innovation in Worker Organization (CIWO), Rutgers University, and the Labour Research Service (LRS), South Africa.

This workshop highlights the Transformative Global Leadership Program (TGLP), a joint initiative of the Center for Innovation in Worker Organization (CIWO) at Rutgers University in the United States and Labour Research Service (LRS) in South Africa, exploring transformative practices and experimental approaches to leadership development.
12h30 – 13h30LUNCH
13h30 – 16h30WORKSHOP FOUR: Case studies on the role of education in building democratic support in elections.
Presentation by partners of the Olof Palme International Centre and the ABF Sweden. A panel will present four case studies of methods used by workers’ education organizations and trade unions to involve their members in political election campaigns and put their issues on the political agenda. Workshop participants will share their own experiences and discuss the key lessons for educators.

Moderator: Dr Maura Adshead. ENGAGE, University of Limerick.

Daniel Vencu Öhrlund Castro, ABF-Sweden
Jose Luis Garcia, LEARN-Philippines
Hiller Alberto Hernández Muñoz, ENS-Colombia
Godfrey Kanyenze, LEDRIZ-Zimbabwe

DAY 4 - Thursday 7 December 2023

09h00 – 09h15Cultural Event/Conference News review
09h15 – 09h30Formal conference proceedings resumes.
Closure of emergency motions to conference.
09h30 – 12h30WORKSHOP FIVE: Revitalising Worker Education: learning from the present, educating for the future.
Facilitated by the IFWEA Secretariat team.
12h30 – 13h30LUNCH
13h30 – 16h30Formal conference proceedings resume.
2024 - 2027 Strategic plan adopted
Budget and Affiliation Fees 2024-2027 discussed and adopted
Report from the Resolutions Committee
Motions Tabled, Debated and Adopted
Election of Executive Committee
Closing Speeches: President and General Secretary Votes of Thanks
Close of conference
18h00 – 20h00GALA DINNER – Venue TBA

DAY 5 - Friday 8th December 2023

09h30 – 12h30TOWARDS FUTURE COLLABORATION: Building partnerships within the IFWEA Global Knowledge Community.

Olof Palme International Centre: OPIC Partner workshop.

CIWO, Rutgers University: Partner workshop.

SOLIDAR Foundation: presentation on strategic plan for 2024.

12h30 – 13h30LUNCH
Delegates either check out of hotel to return home or have free afternoon if leaving on Saturday 9th.