Position: Executive committee member
Organisation: SOLIDAR
Country: France
Executive Committee elected at the 24th IFWEA General Conference

Borned in 1972, Isabelle Palanchon is holder of a state degree in youth work and social development, master1 Social Economy Company Management.
She is involved in CEMEA since 2001 on projects in the field of education, social intervention, and community development. Responsible of the international department in a regional unit of CEMEA till 2013, she is now deputy director at CEMEA France, in charge of the international department.
She coordinates international projects linked with recognition on non-formal education, intercultural dialogue and capacity building of civil society. She leads a national working-group concerning the recognition of social competences and non-formal learning developed in European mobility in vocational training.
In Solidar, she is involved as chairwoman of Education pillar since 2018 and actively participates in Solidar Foundation. Moreover, she is the coordinator of the European zone of FICEMEA (International Federation of CEMEA). Her work focuses on three main issues : the recognition of non-formal education/ non formal and informal learnings, alternative social practices for empowerment and global citizenship education.
I would like to continue my involvement in the executive committee to work towards bringing the IFWEA and Solidar networks closer together. In concrete terms, I would like to share the challenges facing European civil society and bring the experience and working methods of Solidar members to the network and vice versa. I would like to re-inforce the creation of bridges in the projects and encounters so that this alliance becomes stronger.